VLC Campus Elder Character Reference If needed, there is an option at the bottom of the form to save your responses and continue at a later time. "*" indicates required fields What is your first and last name?* First Last What is your phone number?*What is the name of the individual you are providing this character reference for?* First Last How long have you known this individual, and in what capacity?*Does this individual demonstrate a deep understanding of scripture and spiritual maturity?*Is the individual consistent in their beliefs, words, and actions, even in challenging circumstances?*Can you describe how the individual has demonstrated leadership or influence in their family, church, or community?*How would you describe the individual’s ability to guide and encourage others?*How does the individual handle conflicts or disagreements?*Is the individual approachable and compassionate toward others?*Does the individual demonstrate a strong commitment to the church and its mission? Please provide examples.*In what ways have you seen the individual serve others, either within the church or outside of it?*What strengths do you believe the individual would bring to the role of an elder?*Are there any areas where you think the individual could grow or improve, particularly in relation to a leadership role?*Based on your knowledge of the individual, do you believe they are suitable to serve as an elder in our church? Why or why not?*Is there anything else you think we should know about the individual’s character or readiness for this role?*Based on your discernment and observation, rate this person on a “Green—Yellow—Red” scale in the following areas: “Green” means this person has positive, observable behaviors you have witnessed in this category. You have little concern or no concern about this person as an elder in this category. Please include a description of how you have witnessed this person embody this character trait. “Yellow” means you are either unsure or have a small concern about this category in the person’s life. This is not a disqualifying concern, but it may not be a strength you have personally observed. Include a description of your concern or an observation you have made about the person. “Red” means you have a major concern or a red flag. A “Red” may not be a disqualification for the person, but it does represent an important or significant concern you have that needs to be observed or addressed by leadership. A “Red” means this is an area of past or present moral failure, a significant area of immaturity, or an area of significant weakness. Describe your concerns and observations that prompt you to mark this category a “Red.” Space is given at the end of these questions for you to add context if needed.They are Mature*They are known as a mature disciple of Jesus. Their life exemplifies goodness and uprightness, evidence of the fruit of the Spirit, and spiritual disciplines, modeling holiness and humility.GreenYellowRedPlease include a description of how you have witnessed this person embody this character trait.*Include a description of your concern or an observation you have made about the person.*Describe your concerns and observations that prompt you to mark this category a “Red.”*They are Above Reproach*They have a good reputation from those who know them and are thought well of in the community. They are not thought of as wild or undermining authority.GreenYellowRedPlease include a description of how you have witnessed this person embody this character trait.*Include a description of your concern or an observation you have made about the person.*Describe your concerns and observations that prompt you to mark this category a “Red.”*They have Sobriety and Self-Control*They are not addicted to any sort of drug or drink. They do not overindulge in food, drink, entertainment, or any other practice that would draw them away from the Lord or negatively affect their witness as a follower of Christ.GreenYellowRedPlease include a description of how you have witnessed this person embody this character trait.*Include a description of your concern or an observation you have made about the person.*Describe your concerns and observations that prompt you to mark this category a “Red.”*They have Sober-Mindedness*They take serious things seriously. They seem to know when a situation calls for gravity, but this does not mean they lack a sense of humor. GreenYellowRedPlease include a description of how you have witnessed this person embody this character trait.*Include a description of your concern or an observation you have made about the person.*Describe your concerns and observations that prompt you to mark this category a “Red.”*They are Peaceful*They can be described as a peaceful person who brings peace into the situations and environments they enter into. They are never quarrelsome. They are not easily excitable or angered. They are thoughtful, gentle, and deliberate in their reactions. They have control of their tongue.GreenYellowRedPlease include a description of how you have witnessed this person embody this character trait.*Include a description of your concern or an observation you have made about the person.*Describe your concerns and observations that prompt you to mark this category a “Red.”*They are Hospitable and Respectable*They love people and welcome them. They set aside their comfort for the comfort of others. They are thought well of, and people enjoy their company.GreenYellowRedPlease include a description of how you have witnessed this person embody this character trait.*Include a description of your concern or an observation you have made about the person.*Describe your concerns and observations that prompt you to mark this category a “Red.”*They Manage their Household Well*Their spouse and children give evidence of the Lord’s presence and being cared for and led well.GreenYellowRedPlease include a description of how you have witnessed this person embody this character trait.*Include a description of your concern or an observation you have made about the person.*Describe your concerns and observations that prompt you to mark this category a “Red.”*They are not a lover of money*They see their money as something that belongs to God that they are responsible for stewarding. Their generosity and lack of greed will evidence this.GreenYellowRedPlease include a description of how you have witnessed this person embody this character trait.*Include a description of your concern or an observation you have made about the person.*Describe your concerns and observations that prompt you to mark this category a “Red.”*They have a sense of ownership around the local church*They care that things are done right and people are well cared for. They fix and straighten things that need to be fixed or straightened.GreenYellowRedPlease include a description of how you have witnessed this person embody this character trait.*Include a description of your concern or an observation you have made about the person.*Describe your concerns and observations that prompt you to mark this category a “Red.”*They Mentor Others*(not necessarily a formal mentorship, though that is welcome) — They are a person who cares deeply for the development of others. They are able to connect people to the word of God, bringing instruction, encouragement, and correction for the sake of their development.GreenYellowRedPlease include a description of how you have witnessed this person embody this character trait.*Include a description of your concern or an observation you have made about the person.*Describe your concerns and observations that prompt you to mark this category a “Red.”*If needed, please add any additional context for your answers above here.How would others in the congregation describe this individual?*What area of personal development does this person need to grow in?*Share a reason or a story that describes why you feel like this person could be and Elder within the church.*PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.