

“He makes the whole body fit perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”

Ephesians 4:16

Why do Teams exist?

Our Teams exist to help people discover purpose and experience transformation through connecting, growing, and serving.


By serving on a Team, you connect to the body of Christ and build community with the people around you.


Teams give you an opportunity to grow in your spiritual maturity as you activate the gifts the Lord has placed inside of you.


Jesus modeled serving to us so beautifully. He is King of kings and Lord of Lords but still chose to walk humbly on the earth and minister to the outcasts, the sick, the broken and the poor. When you give of your time, energy, and talents you are serving as Jesus did.

If you’re ready to start serving or if you’d like to learn more, fill out the form below.