Mission, Values, and Beliefs
Our Mission
Our mission is to See People Transformed by Jesus. We know that when people truly meet Jesus and decide to follow Him, they can’t help but be transformed by Him (2 Corinthians 3:18). We are here to help people discover who they are in Christ and equip them to become disciples of King Jesus. We are radically obsessed with Jesus. Anything we do that does not help connect people to Jesus is not worth our time, money, or effort.
We are a community of believers who gather in multiple campuses across Oklahoma, Texas, and Colorado. We invite you to join us on our journey as we seek to see people transformed by Jesus. We offer a variety of ministries and programs to help accomplish our mission, and we would love to serve you and your family no matter where you are on your journey.
Our Values
• The Word
We love God, who reveals Himself through Jesus (the Living Word) by the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures (the written Word). The Word (Jesus Christ) is the foundation of, and the filter for, everything we believe and do.
• Integrity
We understand our daily lives represent Christ. We are His witnesses through our Christ-like love, and our personal character and faithfulness. We are a church who walks in integrity.
• Family
Jesus revealed family is near and dear to the heart of God. He is our Father and we are His children. We, as a church, commit to strengthening your family. In doing so, we long to strengthen the family of God. We are a family and we serve families.
• Relationship
We believe being the church is about relationship, not legalism (rules, regulations, ritual). Therefore, we embrace you where you are, while helping you become who God has created you to be. We commit to relationship versus legalism.
• Generosity
We believe God is our true provider. We are blessed to be a blessing, and we reap what we sow. Because of this, we commit to never manipulate or condemn you into giving or serving. Being generous is who we are, not just what we do. We believe in generosity both with our finances and with our time.
• Generational
God acts generationally. Longevity and faithfulness to every generation are more important to us than short-term success. Young or old, you are welcomed and valued, and there is a place for you to serve. We are generational. We think, act, and plan with the next generation in mind. We serve the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
What We Believe
We don’t get to make up our faith, it is a legacy that has been handed down to us through the faithful obedience of the saints and the sacrifice of martyrs across church history. We have a duty to maintain the integrity of our faith and to pass it on to the next generation without allowing cultural influence to erode its core truths.
We stand in agreement with what the apostles and early church fathers agreed were the absolute essentials of the Christian Faith as documented in The Apostle’s Creed:
I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit
and born of the virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to hell.
The third day he rose again from the dead.
He ascended to heaven
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.
From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
*that is, the Global Christian Church of all times and all places, not Roman Catholicism.
the holy catholic* church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.
Essentials and Non-Essentials
We believe the essential truths of the Christian faith are outlined clearly in the Apostles Creed. We understand however that this is not an exhaustive list of every doctrine and issue that may be of concern to you and your family as you are trying to decide if our church is a solid place to connect and grow in your faith. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions if any of our responses are not clear enough or if there is a specific area of concern that we have not addressed here.

Jacob Sheriff – Senior Lead Pastor
Jacob Sheriff has dedicated his life to being transformed into the likeness of Christ. As a second-generation pastor, he has been blessed to have been introduced to the Gospel and have a relationship with Jesus from a young age. Jacob has been a part of the pastoral team at Victory Life Church since 2005, and now serves as the Senior Pastor. He has had such radical encounters with the power of God that seeing people transformed by Jesus has become his life’s mission.
The most significant part of the call of God on Jacob’s life is to his incredible wife, Hannah, and their five children. They are committed to raising their children to be disciples of Christ. In his free time, you can find Jacob reading, studying, enjoying good coffee, and backpacking. He is a Holy Spirit gifted communicator in sharing the truth of the Gospel of Jesus.
Pastor Duane Sheriff – Senior Founding Pastor
Duane Sheriff is the Senior Founding Pastor of Victory Life Church. He served as Senior Pastor of Victory Life until 2020 when he passed the baton to his son Jacob. Pastor Duane is an author and gifted speaker who travels around the world speaking at conferences, churches, as well as Charis Bible College.
In 1983, God directed him to give his teaching messages away for free. At first, this was accomplished by giving away free cassette tapes, but as technology has evolved, countless CDs and MP3 downloads have been given away. He is the author of numerous books, you can check them all out at his website, pastorduane.com

Who’s in Charge?
Jesus is ultimately in charge, we are simply stewards of this expression of the church. Victory Life Church as a whole is led and stewarded by our Senior Leadership Team. That includes not only our campuses, but also other extension ministries like Legacy Christian School, Hands of Hope, Camp Victory, and Transformation Institute.
The Senior Leadership Team’s job is to set the vision, culture, and structure for the overall organization, but this is not done unilaterally. This team is submitted to and in covenant with our Senior Elders and all major decisions must have unanimous agreement. Our Senior Elders meet at least quarterly to get an organizational update and discern next steps for big decisions.
Senior Leadership Team
- Senior Lead Pastors – Jacob & Hannah Sheriff
- Executive Pastor & Multi-Site Pastor – Kristi Hance
- Executive Pastor – Daniel Cline
- Executive Pastor – Derek Hines
Senior Eldership Team
Our Senior Pastors and Leadership are accountable to a group of Elders who have served our church faithfully for over 30 years. This team of people help oversee the church and provide accountability and a wealth of wisdom to our leaders.
- Senior Founding Pastors – Duane & Sue Sheriff
- Lee Armstrong
- Jim Robinson
- Tom Johnson
- Senior Lead Pastor – Jacob Sheriff
Local Leadership
Each of our campuses are led by a dedicated Campus Pastor and local leadership team who are responsible for shepherding the local congregation in the community they serve. You can find out more about each campus’s local leadership on their individual campus pages. Click here to see a list of all of our campuses.