Broken Bow Campus

Service Times


10:00am - Service & Kids


6:30pm - Service, Kids, & Youth

Connect with Us

What to Expect

How to find us.

We are located right behind the Pizza Hut!

Services last just over an hour

Weekend services last about 75 mins usually starting with 3 contemporary style songs followed by a 40-45 mins message. Communion table is available every week for private partaking.

Have children 11 years or younger?


Kids check-in stations are located at the end of the main hallway. A team member will be available to help make your first kids’ check-in experience as smooth as possible.

When checking in for the first time, we will ask for some basic information about your family including contact information, how many children are in your family, their ages, etc.

Once checked in, you will receive check-in stickers. Place the first name tag on your child’s shirt and give the second name tag to the teacher when they check into class. If you have a diaper bag, you will get a tag for that as well. Keep the sticker with the barcode on it for yourself.

Classrooms are broken up by the following ages:

  • Infants & Crawlers, 3-5 yrs (out of diapers) and 6-11 yrs.
  • Drop off begins at 9:45 on Sundays and after the song portion of the service on Wednesdays.
  • All kids experience safe, age-appropriate environments where they learn about Jesus in creative and relevant ways – including praise and worship, video lessons, easy scripture memorization, and fun activities.


If we need to contact you during the service, we will send you a text on your phone or come to find you in the sanctuary.


Kid’s ministry checkout begins immediately after the adult service is dismissed.

Please bring the barcoded sticker receipt that printed out with your children’s name tag to your child’s classroom with you. The teacher will scan the barcode to ensure that your children are only released to the person who checked them into class.

Have youth ages 12-18 years?

  • Victory Life youth meets every Wednesday night in the youth room! Services begin at 6:30 but students are encouraged to come to enjoy our hangout facility any time after school!
  • The typical flow of our youth services starts with some time to connect with each other around food and games in “The Hangout”. Next, we move into the youth room for some student-led worship time. We take a short break to refill on food and drinks and finish the evening with around a 20-minute encouraging message.

Campus Staff

Jimmy Jeter

Campus Lead Pastor

Lynn Tomlinson

Associate/Worship Pastor

Gavin Gallinger

Youth Pastor

Summer Gallinger

Campus Administrator & Student Ministries Coordinator
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